How Netragard Addresses the Most Recent Vulnerabilities

How Netragard Addresses the Most Recent Vulnerabilities

Recent Computer Vulnerabilities

The threat landscape is continuously evolving.

At Netragard, we aim to ensure that we are on the forefront of emulating a realistic threat to protect our clients from the latest vulnerabilities. With the recent disclosure of vulnerabilities such as Log4j (CVE-2021-44228), Spring4Shell (CVE-2022-22965), PrintNightmare (CVE-2021-34527), and other related issues that have a potentially critical impact to many web applications and network related services, it is now more crucial than ever to monitor the security posture of an organization. 

Netragard uses a combination of media outlets such as online articles, social media, and public research to follow the latest information security threats that may affect our customer’s environment. In doing so, Netragard can collate tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) from different threat actors and collaborate with information security colleagues to further enhance our TTPs. This allows Netragard to stay one step ahead and ensure that we not only identify and validate vulnerabilities through our Real Time Dynamic Testing, but also to identify issues such as potential 0-Days or N-Days within our client’s network, web application, and infrastructure.

Furthermore, at Netragard, we continuously utilize the TTPs that we have collated from media outlets and custom research in our virtual lab that was built to emulate a realistic network environment. In the lab, we utilize multiple different cyber defense technologies to test our tools to bypass modern defenses and improve Netragard’s TTPs. The technologies used in the virtual lab are relative to technology stacks that Netragard’s information security professionals may have encountered on real pentesting engagements. A combination of open-source tools, commercial, and custom tooling are tested in the lab to help us identify the most recent vulnerabilities and validity of our discovery.

Netragard uses multiple facets to aid in ensuring that our client’s network, infrastructure, and web applications are secure. Netragard is here to Protect You From People Like Us. If you are interested in speaking more about how we can help, please reach out to us!

Noah Tongate
Offensive Security Engineer